Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

7 great months of Emery have come and gone. She's getting opinionated about her toys, spending a lot of time babbling and smiling constantly. She does a pretty good job of scooting backwards, but hasn't figured out the forward motion yet. This is very frustrating since she is moving away from her toys and not toward them! This week she's begun getting on all fours and rocking. Even in her sleep she is practicing this "skill." Guess it's time to start buying those gates for the stairs and seriously childproofing the house. She's been busy this week playing with all her new toys, her favorite time is still bath time. So much splashing and squealing! We're looking forward to what lies ahead in the New Year!

We have a backlog of pictures that I am posting from October, November & December.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Her Weight is in the Hair

We had another routine Doctor's visit. Emery is on her 3rd cold in about 6 weeks which appears normal. She weighed in at 13lbs 5 oz and she is 25 inches long. Apparently that is a skinny baby, but since she's sleeping through the night she must have a full tummy. We had the unenjoyable task of 5 more immunizations but she took it like a champ.

Turns out Emery likes to eat! Wonder who she got that from? She's finally enjoying tummy-time and is beginning to scoot a little. I wouldn't call it crawling, but it is the beginning of mobility. She just finished up her 4 month growth spurt and is back to sleeping through the night. She still sleeps swaddled up, but I think it's time to let that go (for safety reasons). Her clothes are getting a little tight so I'm scouting around for 6 month long sleeve clothes. This is when I'm glad I have a little girl because the clothes are so cute! Here is the new October photo album.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Puppy Love

It's been a busy September already. Our friends Jimmie and Cara tied the knot so we packed up Emery and spent our labor day weekend in Dallas. We carpooled with Ace and Brenda and had a great ride. My mother bought these seat-strap-cover-thingies that have puppies on them. Em spent the ride alternating between petting and chewing her puppies. It kept Brenda and I entertained during the long ride.

John was able to attend the Hall of Fame induction for David Robinson this week. He flew back just in time to catch his Dad's surprise 60th birthday party last night. Family and friends came from all over to eat BBQ and celebrate.

I've put up more September Emery pictures.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to School

Even though the heat is blazing here in Texas the summer break is over. Emery is off to day care. The first two weeks have been eventful. She hit a growth spurt the first week of school (long nights), the air conditioner had to be replaced and this week she got her first cold.

Today Emery is 15 weeks old and I think it’s the best age! She usually sleeps through the night and is generous with her smiles. She loves to sit in her little chair and stand up (with assistance). She isn’t too interested in crawling or rolling over, but she does pinwheel around if left on the floor or in her bed. Em is beginning to really get into her toys and the little blankies that we received as gifts. I have to remember to cherish this time when just being held makes her happy.

John has been posting the pictures in the Kodak gallery in the past. I finally decided to figure it out. I have put up pictures from August and added to the existing June and July pictures. Coming soon, I'll figure out how to put up all those videos I've been taking! For now check out the pics:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Getting Bigger Every Day

Had a visit with the Pediatrician. Emery is weighing in at 12lb 6oz and has grown to 24 inches! She had 5 vaccines and took it like a champ. I should mention that John held her down while I watched from the corner cringing. It would have been easier to take the vaccines myself. Despite the Tylenol, Emery is starting to fuss and I can tell she's uncomfortable. A little pain now is a lot better than diphtheria later.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sleeping on the Job

Emery is over 9 weeks old now and getting to be a lot of fun. I took her outside to water the yard. She started off really excited. This was the first time she was facing forward in her carrier (Usually she stares at my neck. Now she's strong enough to face forward). She quickly fell asleep on the job and we went inside for a quality nap...which is why I am able to make this post.

Everyone asks, "Is she sleeping through the night?" The answer is, "Sort of." We think she is because she goes to bed around 10-11 pm and wakes up around 4-5 am. It could be a lot worse.

She's a talkative girl, full of smiles, squeals, whines and gurgles. She doesn't spend a lot of time crying unless she's strapped in the car. She likes bath time but hates "tummy time." This tummy time poses a problem since she can't build strong arms without a little practice being on her stomach. I avoid pushing the issue because it puts her in such a bad mood. Chances are she'll have a flat head and won't win the competitive crawling event at the next baby Olympics. oh well, I've failed as a mother. On the other hand she could get a gold metal in standing and a bronze for sitting. I've heard you can skip crawling and go straight to walking. If she could do this I would feel a lot less guilty.

We have plans to put Emery in a small daycare up the road (So close I could roll the stroller there...but I won't. Who has time for that?). If you don't have kids you might not realize that evenings are not a child's finest time. There is a lot of whining and fussing that ensue. They're so sleepy, but they seem to fight the remedy for their misery. It seems unfair to me that working parents miss all the happy morning smiles and return home to get the worst of their child. You're so excited to be home with your kid that you forget they'll be in a bad mood. It's like seeing someone without their dentures on, it's a shock every time. Needless to say, I'm not very excited to start the school year. I'll just have to enjoy the next couple of weeks...this picture is Emery staring up at the trees, oblivious to the mosquitoes attacking her and the threat of the next door neighbor's dog breaking through the fence threatening to snatching her away. Oh, to be so young.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Video and Pictures

Here are some of the best pictures and video from June/July.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Emery Plays (The First of Many)

She seems to be enjoying the attention, but I'm pretty sure this is what waterboarding is like.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Many Faces Of Emery

These are usually followed by a dirty diaper, but it's worth it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

4 Weeks Old Already!

It's hard to believe that the time has flown by so fast. We've had a ton of visitors and Emery is changing so much! A few things about Emery at 4 weeks...

The top half of her hair is falling out, giving her the look of a distinguished older gentleman. Overall she is a good little girl. If she's crying it usually has a very definite purpose "Change me," "Feed me," and "I'm so tired it hurts," are her favorite cries. She sleeps great during the night, however her "night" is around 1:30am-10am. I take care of the normal feedings, but John steps in when she just wants to sit up and be fussy for 2 hours at a time. She loves the sound of water. Good thing, it allows me to take a shower on a regular basis-something I enjoy. In the afternoon she gets fussy and tired. When all else fails I can put her in the BabyBjorn carrier and go outside. That, plus a pacifier, will settle her down and sometimes put her to sleep. Keep in mind that it is about 100 degrees outside but she is SO happy and sweaty. I spend this time putzing around the yard and hand watering. San Antonio is in a severe drought and we can barely water our lawn. They will however allow us to hand water as much as we want.

In a few days we will be leaving for a 2 week trip in the Robbins' camper. As of now we are scheduled to head straight to Tennessee to see Randy's family, then to Atlanta to see Susan's family and John's sister Christina. While there John & Christina will run in the famous Peachtree Road Race. The rest of us will wait somewhere near the finish line with the half a million other people supporting their friends. The race is a crazy event, not your normal race. It is guaranteed to be a sweaty Hotlanta good time. Hopefully we'll get some good pictures. After the race we will spend a few days in Savannah looking at old houses, spending time on the beach and hopefully hitting up Paula Deen's Restaurant "The Lady and Sons." I know John is looking forward to spending time with Emery and I'm excited to get out of the house. I'm sure we'll make plenty of updates along the way.

The first month has been a steep learning curve but pretty wonderful (that Mommy amnesia is starting to kick in). Emery is healthy and happy and we're enamored with her. It seems like we can talk of nothing but Emery and that's just fine with us. John is amazing with her, above and beyond what I every imagined. It is a joy to take this family adventure with him. I never thought we would laugh so much over a dirty diaper or worry over ridiculous small things like hangnails. Part of me can't wait until there are no more night feedings but then she won't be a baby anymore! How can I look forward to that? Rhonda always says there is nothing like your first child and how they change your life. I think we're starting to understand what she means.

Here's another picture. This is John feeding Emery her first bottle.

Happy Father's Day!

John and Emery spent their first Father's Day together with a little quality napping. Meanwhile April was in town so I escaped from the house for a few hours.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Milk Drunk

Just a little thrashing around as Emery tries fruitlessly to assume the controls.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Friday Night Hiccups

Emery had a lot of hiccups in the womb so it's no surprise that she has them a lot as a baby. Here's a short video of nothing but her having hiccups.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One Week Down

Everything has been going pretty smooth so far and we are very thankful for that. We made it home on Friday around noon and have just been enjoying everything since. There has been an obvious lack of sleep, but beyond that Emery has just been a great kid. She has yet to break anything, so I guess that means she is taking after her mom so far.

It's a big help to have both sets of parents on hand to spell us when needed. It has allowed us to be as hands on as possible and really dive into the work of being parents ourselves. The first few days were hectic with so many people wanting to meet Emery and check in on us and we are looking forward to things settling into a routine this summer. As always the camera is getting a full workout with the latest batch of pictures going up today at

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tired But Happy

Everything is going very, very smoothly. There are a few more pictures up at

Thank you so much to everyone that has sent messages of encouragement and celebration. The outpouring has been just overwhelming and it's comforting to know that Emery comes into the world so incredibly loved!

Emery Rose Robbins

It took until Wednesday, but our daughter is now out of the womb and loving it. Here is some video from just after she was born. Great pipes. Her weight was 7lb 13oz and the other vitals I'll have to get later. More pics etc to come after we get some sleep. Mother and baby are doing well! Christine handled it all like a boss!

More in-depth stuff and a few pics at

Monday, May 25, 2009

It's The Final Countdown

We should have a daughter some time on Tuesday! The doctor moved up the induction by one day and we are set to report for birthing at 6:30am on Tuesday (5/26) morning. We'll be updating throughout the day and the best way to get the real time feed probably will be at

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not Quite Yet Go Time

o⋅ver⋅due [oh-ver-doo, -dyoo]

1. past due, as a delayed train or a bill not paid by the assigned date; late: two overdue library books.

2. too long awaited; needed or expected for some time: Improvements in our highway system are long overdue.

3. more than sufficiently advanced, mature, or ready: That country is overdue for industrial development.

Yes, that about covers it...

We'll be inducing on Wednesday, May 27th at 7:00am if nothing happens before then. We have two more doc appointments on Friday and Tuesday so things might change, but for now we're planning on a 5/27 unveiling of the latest Robbins.

How to celebrate a due date in the meantime? Hit the brewhouse and sew of course!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Late For The Show

May 19 is almost here...but the baby is not. There has been little progression in the pregnancy the past couple of weeks and the doctor has begun preliminary steps to prepare Christine to be induced. If it comes to that we'll be looking at sometime around May 26 or 27. Hopefully the wheels get turning before that, but if not it's nice to have an end date set.

We meet with the doc again on Tuesday 5/19. Until then enjoy this arm shot we got last Friday!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Just 10 Days Away

May 19 is rapidly approaching and as of now everything is running smooth and on schedule. The last two visits to the doctor showed some progression into the final stages of pregnancy and hopefully, for Christine's sake, our daughter decides to make her debut sooner rather than later.

In the meantime we're enjoying fighting off an early summer as best we can...with ice cream.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ultrasound Pic

Just barley two weeks to go! She's almost here and thankfully everything is going pretty smooth. Here is a scan pic we got after Christine's latest doc appointment on Friday. There's a face and hand in there somewhere. She must be waving for the camera.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Almost Ready

Here are some updated pictures of the nursery. We're in awe of how generous everyone has been to fill the closet and drawers. All we need is baby.

Is this what they call Nesting?

While John's been covering the brief Spurs playoff run, I've been busy. I finished the babies room and got a little bored. I'm not sure if you would call it "nesting" or just obsessive. I started out wanting to make a few burp cloths for friends, it turned into a monster. I think I made 27 burp cloths (+10 for friends), 4 bibs, and 14 wash cloths. There is more fabric arriving today. It became necessary to make lots of burp cloths because I couldn't decide on which fabric/style would be best. I went all over the web stealing great ideas until I stumbled on a pattern for bibs (you can see where this is going). Then I thought about these velour/chenille wash cloths that Rhonda swears by. She received them as a gift for her first child 10 years ago and still uses them. Naturally I went there. Anyway, here's proof of my obsession.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

OMG! She's Huge!

Every pregnant lady loves to hear how big they are...right? Ok, maybe not so much, but it's what happens and we're (Christine) doing an awesome job of trying to embrace that as we enter the home stretch. We should have a wonderful little daughter with us in less than a month!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ready For Kickoff

Big thanks to Ian and Matt for sending us this. Our daughter should just be able to fit into it come football season and lord knows the Ags will need all the support they can get at that point.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Graduation Complete

Childbirth will be a piece of cake now. Guaranteed.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baby Shower Photos

Here are some pictures from our first ever baby shower! We got a ton of great stuff and can't be thankful enough for everyone that gifted us!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Crib Assembly

I feel that all the John fans have been neglected. Thought we needed some pictures of John proving his manhood while assembling the crib. Those instructions are cryptic but he got the job done. All we need now is a mattress and sheets.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Update: Here's Some Video

From last Tuesday's appointment, I present some heartbeats.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

30 Week Checkup

Here's the doc listening to the baby's heartbeat. It was strong and around 130 beats per minute. Everything was ok and she goes back in two weeks. Ultrasound/sonogram will be coming in five weeks when she is at 35 weeks.

On Location Etc.

For quick-hitter updates that happen check us out on Twitter at It's one or two sentences about what's going on right in the moment. You can also find the feed right here on this site at the top of the right column.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Three Months To Go

So the first six months have gone fairly smooth and we are now entering the home stretch. The baby's room is coming along nicely thanks to some much needed help from Christine's co-workers Chanda and Mary and we are looking forward to soon seeing all of John's awesome sports memorabilia that got moved out pop back up in a highly visible location elsewhere in the house. Here are the first of many, many pictures to come...