Sunday, September 13, 2009

Puppy Love

It's been a busy September already. Our friends Jimmie and Cara tied the knot so we packed up Emery and spent our labor day weekend in Dallas. We carpooled with Ace and Brenda and had a great ride. My mother bought these seat-strap-cover-thingies that have puppies on them. Em spent the ride alternating between petting and chewing her puppies. It kept Brenda and I entertained during the long ride.

John was able to attend the Hall of Fame induction for David Robinson this week. He flew back just in time to catch his Dad's surprise 60th birthday party last night. Family and friends came from all over to eat BBQ and celebrate.

I've put up more September Emery pictures.


  1. She is absolutely adorable! I'm glad she did well on the trip.

  2. So cute! Haven't checked the blog in awhile - she has grown up so much. 4 months is so wonderful...finally becoming an active baby instead of an "infant". The fun's starting now!
