Friday, July 31, 2009

Sleeping on the Job

Emery is over 9 weeks old now and getting to be a lot of fun. I took her outside to water the yard. She started off really excited. This was the first time she was facing forward in her carrier (Usually she stares at my neck. Now she's strong enough to face forward). She quickly fell asleep on the job and we went inside for a quality nap...which is why I am able to make this post.

Everyone asks, "Is she sleeping through the night?" The answer is, "Sort of." We think she is because she goes to bed around 10-11 pm and wakes up around 4-5 am. It could be a lot worse.

She's a talkative girl, full of smiles, squeals, whines and gurgles. She doesn't spend a lot of time crying unless she's strapped in the car. She likes bath time but hates "tummy time." This tummy time poses a problem since she can't build strong arms without a little practice being on her stomach. I avoid pushing the issue because it puts her in such a bad mood. Chances are she'll have a flat head and won't win the competitive crawling event at the next baby Olympics. oh well, I've failed as a mother. On the other hand she could get a gold metal in standing and a bronze for sitting. I've heard you can skip crawling and go straight to walking. If she could do this I would feel a lot less guilty.

We have plans to put Emery in a small daycare up the road (So close I could roll the stroller there...but I won't. Who has time for that?). If you don't have kids you might not realize that evenings are not a child's finest time. There is a lot of whining and fussing that ensue. They're so sleepy, but they seem to fight the remedy for their misery. It seems unfair to me that working parents miss all the happy morning smiles and return home to get the worst of their child. You're so excited to be home with your kid that you forget they'll be in a bad mood. It's like seeing someone without their dentures on, it's a shock every time. Needless to say, I'm not very excited to start the school year. I'll just have to enjoy the next couple of weeks...this picture is Emery staring up at the trees, oblivious to the mosquitoes attacking her and the threat of the next door neighbor's dog breaking through the fence threatening to snatching her away. Oh, to be so young.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Video and Pictures

Here are some of the best pictures and video from June/July.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Emery Plays (The First of Many)

She seems to be enjoying the attention, but I'm pretty sure this is what waterboarding is like.